move in a direction

美 [muːv ɪn ə dəˈrekʃn]英 [muːv ɪn ə dəˈrekʃn]
  • 朝着一个方向行进(或发展)
move in a directionmove in a direction
  1. Move in a direction contrary to the usual one ; of stars and planets .


  2. Growth occurs because you feel a push , or pull , to move in a direction .


  3. By preparations for the Red Army 's withdrawal we mean taking care that it does not move in a direction jeopardizing the withdrawal or advance too far in its attacks or become too fatigued .


  4. To force an animal to move in a desired direction .


  5. Indeed , central banks have begun to move in such a direction .


  6. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction .


  7. Don 't be afraid to make a break with the past and move in a new direction .


  8. Jobs , investment , new demand , new infrastructure are all on the move in a positive direction .


  9. And we will continue to stand with our allies and partners to press North Korea to move in a new direction .


  10. Even if your goal isnt to make next years Forbes list , you will move in a positive direction for your career goals .


  11. I wanted my career to move in a different direction , and I guess my mental separation set up the conditions that led to my departure .


  12. TAURUS : It 's an exciting time ! You might meet someone who inspires you to move in a new direction , or go after something entirely different .


  13. Give yourself kudos for any and all progress you make , since anytime you are able to move in a forward direction , that is worth celebrating .


  14. As they drift away from the polar region , icebergs sometimes move mysteriously in a direction opposite to the wind , pulled by subsurface currents .


  15. If it 's free to pollute then you 're never going to have companies making all the myriad decisions that are required in order for the entire system to move in a better direction .


  16. If these three forces move in a favourable direction , the most likely world will be a relatively optimistic combination of globalisation with a more Asian face plus Pax Americana .


  17. This column is created by a balance between gravity pulling the liquid back to the bowl , and inertia - the tendency of a substance to move in a given direction until another force intervenes .


  18. Approving a Chinese internet registrar was a sign of the body 's " desire to build a close relationship with the Chinese government which could continue to move in a troubling direction once the US government ends its oversight , " they wrote .


  19. I have carried this message from London to Ankara ; from Port of Spain to Moscow ; from Accra to Cairo ; and it is what I will speak about today & because the time has come for the world to move in a new direction .


  20. We hope that the relevant parties will seize the opportunity to engage in active interactions , resume the process of dialogue and consultation as soon as possible , and ensure that the situation on the peninsula will move forward in a positive direction .


  21. Now , when he starts ruminating on mistakes he 's made in the past , or tells himself there is no hope , he says out loud : ' Stop ... This behavior is not going to move us in a positive direction or make us happy . '


  22. The question then becomes how do you move your vibration in a positive direction ?


  23. Nautical : to move or cause to move in a specified way , direction , or position .
